Hi Bob,
I just checked your blog to see how you were progressing on your TK-981 receiver testing with the mini-filters in place. It looks like you are also captured by other events. I’m still battling my signal generator so I haven’t gotten down to cases with my TK-981 testing either.
Good luck with the repeater efforts,
Skip Clark, WB6TXX
Well Skip I have been testing those filters of yours and they work! :)
Jeremy -KD0EAV has ordered some more of those little critters I believe for some of our winter bench projects.
The initial RX testing was done on a TK-980 modded to RX at 902 Mhz.
The band went from being usable on one or two channels to being usable on many more & our noise floor went from -115 to -110 dbm to -125 to -130 dbm on average.
Basically, on the worst channles we dropped the noise about 15 db.
It made a big difference in the front end performance of the 902 RX side of the repeater.
And of course we have a +15dbm Chip Angle Preamp & Band-pass filter helps with some of the insertion loss we get from all the filtering we have added with no increase in the noise floor.
More a bit later....
All For Now
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