2nd Annaul Eye-Ball Bonfire/Tailgate, Ham-swap Meet, Holloween get together.
As heard on the Right Wing Wackos Net (146.97), Paul Revere Net (146.94) & Experimenters Net (145.43) on Sunday.
WØMAF Mike & KDØFW Mike & KB0YUV Cliff Present:
Bonfire/Tailgate, Ham-Swap-Meet, Antenna & Radio get together!
Antenna building and tuning, Pick-Nick, & Maybe a HF Remote set up, etc.
WHEN: Saturday Oct 31, 2015, after 3 p.m. Weather Permitting
TALK-IN: Gladstone Repeater 145.43 repeater, backup 147.090.
W0MAF's QTH Near 291 Hwy & Kentucky Rd, Just North-East of the “Twin Drive-in”, in Northern Independence.
1416 N Jennings Rd, Independence, MO 64058
EM29TD. Jackson County, (Not in the city Limits).
We have a 360 deg view from the top of “Twin-Peeks” at 950 feet elevation Lots of Parking on the grass & WIFI available
We will have grills and a small fire to stand around. Bring your own chairs.. There will be room to setup wire and vertical antennas with demonstrations. Tail-gate will start when you get here. If it fits in the trunk-bring it. Venders will be welcome. We can program your HT with CHIRP. Eyeball-tire-kicking at its best. Bring the family to enjoy the last day of Daylight Savings and watch the sunset. We will then light the Bonfire. Bring your own marshmallows BYOM & BYOB. The sunsets at 6:15 PM (approx). Water will be available.
Mike Barelli, W0MAF 816-213-0479 Cell <mbarelli@gmail.com>
Go Royals!
Michael A Barelli