Monday, October 5, 2015

2nd Annual Bonfire/Tailgate, Ham-Swap & Eye-Ball Meet

2nd Annaul Eye-Ball Bonfire/Tailgate, Ham-swap Meet, Holloween get together.

As heard on the Right Wing Wackos Net (146.97), Paul Revere Net (146.94) & Experimenters Net (145.43) on Sunday.

WØMAF Mike & KDØFW Mike & KB0YUV Cliff Present:


Bonfire/Tailgate, Ham-Swap-Meet, Antenna & Radio get together!


Antenna building and tuning, Pick-Nick, & Maybe a HF Remote set up, etc.

WHEN:  Saturday Oct 31, 2015, after 3 p.m. Weather Permitting

TALK-IN: Gladstone Repeater 145.43 repeater, backup 147.090.


W0MAF's QTH Near 291 Hwy & Kentucky Rd, Just North-East of the “Twin Drive-in”, in Northern Independence.
        1416 N Jennings Rd, Independence, MO 64058
        EM29TD.  Jackson County, (Not in the city Limits).

We have a 360 deg view from the top of “Twin-Peeks” at 950 feet elevation Lots of Parking on the grass & WIFI available

We will have grills and a small fire to stand around. Bring your own chairs.. There will be room to setup wire and vertical antennas with demonstrations. Tail-gate will start when you get here. If it fits in the trunk-bring it. Venders will be welcome. We can program your HT with CHIRP. Eyeball-tire-kicking at its best. Bring the family to enjoy the last day of Daylight Savings and watch the sunset. We will then light the Bonfire. Bring your own marshmallows BYOM & BYOB. The sunsets at 6:15 PM (approx). Water will be available.

Mike Barelli, W0MAF 816-213-0479 Cell <>

Go Royals!
Michael A Barelli

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Newest Project -- FLDX400 & FRDX400 Twins
Many Thanks To One Of My Mentors/Elmers - KØLW
Thanks Uncle Lee!

Lee dropped these beauties by the shop today.

I believe I will have a ball restoring these items back to working condition.

Lee says the receiver works as he had plugged it in when he picked them up.

There was a tube rolling around in the transmitter when we opened up the top of the transmitter case.

He says he never plugged in the transmitter.

From the overall looks, they are clean, very clean, since the receiver works , 

The transmitter may be OK as well. I guess I will have to fire'em up on the variac and see if they play.

I have detailed owners manuals as well, 

A plus in my book!

All For Now
Comments Invited - 73

SmØke out..

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Is Here!

I wanted to give you all a little preview of some of the new RPi2 Allstar release capabilities.

  - Automatic Radio and Cable Sensing

 It will automatically sense the radio you have connected. Just hook the radio to the URI or any sound FOB with some wires connected. It doesn't matter what wires or how they are connected.
The RPi2 is smart enough to adapt to any wiring arrangement, it will just work.
This eliminates making special cables or figuring out how to connect your radio!
We hope to have have this to the point where you would not even have to connect anything, just lay the parts out on a table and press a button but that probably won't be until the next release.
More details will be in the documentation.

  - Thought control

 The new code has the ability to remember your node preferences and make recommendations for connections based on thought.
There will be a special wireless adapter that will connect via the GPIO and can actually read brainwaves to allow thought analysis to connect nodes and allow other Allstar command execution. The work on this is currently very preliminary but so far it is working well.
One of the best features of this mode is the ability for Allstar to know if you are aggravated with someone talking on the node and automatically switch it off or change nodes.

  - External Device Control

 There will be a limited amount of external device control in the first release.
We currently have it working with a smart refrigerator via Ethernet using a combination of DTMF and voice controls.
For instance you would enter a DTMF sequence and the refrigerator would ask you what you wanted to do. You could say "check temperature" to get the internal temperature.
You could also say "check soda pepsi" or check "beer" and it would check its inventory and report back the status.
This would be useful if you were busy in a conversation and you didn't want to get up and check. We will be adding more control capability in the future.
A toaster and a microwave interface are both in the works and should be in the next release.
We also hope to extend this so you can check other peoples refrigerators of other nodes.
This is especially helpful if it is a nearby node and you want to make a visit.

  - Digital Voice Detection

 And finally the best addition to the new code is a digital voice detector.
This automatically detects the crappy audio from a node that is connected to one of the RF digital voice networks - Dstar, Fusion, DMR, etc and automatically rejects and disconnect the call.
This is an especially useful feature that will keep our Allstar network functioning like it should with the best audio possible.
There will also be an optional feature that sends an Allstar advertisement back to the station before the disconnect telling them they should ditch their expensive digital equipment and join the Allstar team!

  So standby for the new RPI2 Allstar release coming in the 2nd week of April - and that is not a joke.

 Oh yes and don't forget what today is!


 All For Now
Comments Invited - 73

SmØke out..

And Thanks to Doug WA3DSP for the material for this post.